Dinosaurs time carnivorous mushrooms found in Taimyr amber

Dinosaurs time carnivorous mushrooms found in Taimyr amber

August 16, 2023

Nematophagous could catch and kill nematode worms.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Biologists found in amber from Taimyr a nematophagus – a predatory fungus that eat soil nematode worms. The discovery is dated to the period when dinosaurs still lived on Earth.

According to the scientific publication Naked Science, the carnivorous mushroom could catch and kill nematodes. Mushrooms are one of the oldest organisms that play an important role in ecosystems. It was the mushrooms that were among the first living creatures on the Earth. Some fungi live on organic matter from dead animals and plants, others live on symbiosis, parasitism, and some are able to catch and kill animals for nutrients.

©Predatory mushroom of the Cretaceous period in amber

Earlier, scientists found the remains of ancient reptiles 20 meters in size and prehistoric amber 160 million years old in Taimyr, and an ancient leech on the Putorana plateau.

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Text: Anzhelika Stepanova, Photo: Nikolay Shchipko

August 16, 2023

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