Seneca, Gaia Sophia and Varlaam born in Krasnoyarsk

Seneca, Gaia Sophia and Varlaam born in Krasnoyarsk

December 27, 2023

The most unusual names of the year have become known.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Statistics of the most popular and rarest children’s names in the Krasnoyarsk region were published on the official regional registry office portal.

The most common names for children born after January 1, 2023 are:

• for boys – Artyom (616), Mikhail (525), Alexander (543), Maxim (399) and Matvey (396);

• girls in 2023 were named Sofia (533), Eva (450), Anna (435), Varvara (403) and Victoria (375).

In addition, there are other rare names that were given to this year babies: for example, girls were named Lalita, Gaia Sophia, Kiriyakia, Kataleya, as well as boys Seneca, Varlaam, Elbek, Ayk and Iskander.

Earlier, Rukaiya and Victor Efe appeared in the Krasnoyarsk region.

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December 27, 2023

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