#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Initially, on the first general plans of Norilsk, the current Octyabrskaya square was called differently – the Entrance square. It was the main gate of the modern part of Norilsk.
Norilsk residents entered the city through Octyabrskaya square from the side of the Old town and the industrial site.
There was also the final station of the train, which the city visitors used to come by. And the reinforced concrete Lenin “met” them face to face. The same goal was pursued by the front architecture surrounding it.
Here is how architect Vitold Nepokoichitsky, the author of the Octyabrskaya square ensemble, explained it:
“All transport links between the city and the industrial site, as well as the outside world, were carried out along the Octyabrskoye highway, which flows into the square of the same name. This city planning situation predetermined the main purpose of Octyabrskaya square as a space that organizes the entrance to the city and forms its main facade”.
In the History Spot’s previous publication, we told that the road to Talnah was first a challenge for drivers and passengers: in the off-season, the way to the Talnah mountains was life-threatening.
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Text: Svetlana Ferapontova, Photo: Nornickel Polar Branch archive