#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. In the spring of 1988, about thirty deputy ministers came to learn from the Norilsk experience in organizing consumer services: representatives of non-ferrous metallurgy, consumer services and heavy engineering. The deputy chairmen of the State Planning Committee, the State Committee for Supply, officials of the Central Committee of the Party and delegates from the Union republics arrived.
It was believed that the most powerful household service in the Soviet Union had developed in Norilsk. A brochure specially published for the seminar reported on the household and social achievements of the Norilsk people. According to statistics, if each adult resident in the country received domestic services for 39 rubles on average per year, in Norilsk this amount was 22 rubles more.
During the days of the seminar, exhibitions of the achievements of household workers were held at all enterprises. The variety of services was demonstrated, including the rental of accessories for baths and saunas or taking orders for the repair of clothes in the trade union committees of enterprises.
Read other materials of the photo project in the History spot section.
Text: Varvara Sosnovskaya, Photo: Nornickel Polar Division archive