#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Kosygin in 1968 formulated new vectors for the combine’s development and the city life. At the city-wide meeting, the prime minister spoke about the prospects for Norilsk: the metal production increase, the energy and the ore base development.
It is believed that the Messoyaha gas development and the combine’s transfer to blue fuel, the new giant Octyabrsky mine construction began precisely in accordance with his proposals made in 1968.
Kosygin talked with business leaders, geologists and builders, visited the Valyok sanatorium, the scientific and technical library, and even a school concert.
Kosygin’s visit is associated with the transition from Hrushchev era to the so-called improved flats. They say that Kosygin went into one of the apartments in Talnah and was extremely dissatisfied with the miners’ living conditions.
Kosygin’s second visit to Norilsk took place ten years later, in 1978. They said that he came to check how life in Norilsk changed during this time.
Of course, the USSR prime minister could not help but visit the Nadezhda metallurgical plant under construction. He closely followed the object, because he himself defended the construction of a full-cycle metallurgical giant in the Arctic – from ore to metal.
At a meeting with the party and economic activists of the Norilsk industrial region, he discussed the issues of intensive development of natural resources and the integrated development of the Eastern Siberia economy.
Kosygin’s role in the fate of Norilsk was so highly valued that Talnahskaya street almost became Kosygin prospect in his honor.
In the last issue of the History Spot photo project we told about how the railway line to Talnah was built.
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Text: Svetlana Samohina, Photo: Nornickel Polar Division archive