#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Prior to that, the trading scheme was more complex. All goods were behind the counters, and each department had its own queue. At the same time, the sellers did not release the goods there, but only weighed and wrote checks. With those checks, buyers had to go to the cashier to pay, where they also had to wait in a line. Therefore, the whole shopping took several hours.
In the 1960s, the country introduced a new form of trade, faster and more convenient. The first self-service departments in Norilsk appeared at the same time as in the capital cities. A bread one was opened in a shop on Gornaya street.
In 1967, the Cookware store on Octyabrskaya square and grocery store No. 6 on Sevastopolskaya street were transferred to a new trading method. They were followed by Sayans, Polyarny, Svyatoslav and Yaroslavna.
Buyers were not accustomed to goods access. It is clear that there were also unscrupulous buyers who strove to “forget” to pay for the goods.
By the end of the 1970s, there were already three large specialized self-service stores in Norilsk.
In the History Spot photo project’s previous publication, we said that in the era of Soviet trade, there were 21 shops and 10 cafes and restaurants on Leninsky prospekt.
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Text: Svetlana Ferapontova, Photo: Nornickel Polar Branch and Norilsk people's archive