Oganer district’ name means “elder”

Oganer district’ name means “elder”

November 23, 2022

The name of Oganer, the youngest district of Norilsk, is commonly translated from the Dolgan language as “old man”.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. However, toponymy researcher Anna Barbolina clarifies: “ogonnior” is a respectful appeal to an old person. Oganer is closer in meaning to the Georgian “batono” or the Turkic “aksakal”: not “old man”, but “elder”.

Norilsk mythology even names a specific person, after whom this place was named, a native inhabitant Spiridon Laptukov. He was the guide of the geologist Nikolay Urvantsev.

This word is found more than once on the Taimyr map. There is an Ogonner in the east of the Hatanga region, and on both sides of the Popigay river.

The name also took root in Norilsk, although initially there were other options. Residents of Dudinka, for example, offered their neighbors the following names: Mastaak – “forest”, Talaktaat – “shrub”, Tuustaak – “salty”, Buruntaak – “smoky”.

Nevertheless, the historical name of the area where the new district was built has taken root. For the first time, a new toponym – “Oganer” – was heard at a meeting with the plant director, Boris Kolesnikov, in 1982. They approved the start of the construction of the new Norilsk satellite, designed for 60-70 thousand inhabitants. Norilsk, Moscow and Leningrad designers were supposed to be the authors of the building plan.

In the History Spot’s previous publication, we told that the name “Talnah” does not mean “forbidden place”.

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Text: Svetlana Ferapontova, Photo: Nornickel Polar Branch archive

November 23, 2022

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