#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The Norilsk restaurant Taimyr in 1969 became a prize-winner of the country’s best public catering enterprises review-competition at the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy (VDNKh).
There was a huge queue to the Podkova restaurant, where the residents of Norilsk were accommodated. Muscovites did not regret to spend three hours in it, they were eager for the polar exotic: partridge Severnaya, herring Taimyr, grilled meat Polar, fish zrazy Lama, pâté from reindeer meat, which could be tasted only on the Norilsk site.
The Norilsk people did their best, thought out everything to the smallest detail, even the uniform of the waitresses in the northern style.
The interior design with a polar flavor was especially designed. On the walls of the pavilion, specially brought reindeer skins and antlers, and northern coinage were hung.
They say that the people’s favorite actor Yevgeny Morgunov, seeing deer antlers in the restaurant, wanted to buy them for any money. The Norilsk people, without hesitation, gave it away for nothing: “Take it, comrade people’s artist”.
In the same 1969, a major renovation was made in the premises of the Norilsk restaurant Taimyr. New interiors were designed by Norilsk artists Yury Bubnov and Lado Surmava. Chandeliers in bronze, curtains, hand-painted on silk and garus were ordered in the art fund in Leningrad. Picturesque chasing in the form of the sun appeared on the walls. Taimyr was the main festive table of the city.
In the last issue of the History spot photo project, we talked about one of the most serious accidents in the history of Norilsk, when gas pipelines burst due to extreme frosts.
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Text: Svetlana Samohina, Photo: Nornickel Polar Division archive