#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Then at the request of the working people the name of Lenin was given to the former Monchegorskaya street.
The main avenue at that time consisted of two parts. The section from the monument to Lenin to Gvardeyskaya square was called Ordzhonikidze street, and the rest of it was Stalin avenue.
In 1961, the Norilsk City Executive Committee made a decision: to unite Ordzhonikidze street and Stalin prospect and name the main street of the city – from Octyabrskaya square to Constitution square (this is how the future Metallurgov square was planned to be called) – Lenin prospect.
The same document renamed Lenin street in honor of Kirov. Then a new problem arose – the name of Sergo Ordzhonikidze disappeared from the map of the city. However, the People’s Commissar of Heavy Industry personally supervised Norilskstroy and it was he who promoted Avraamy Zavenyagin.
As a result, a few months later, in April 1962, a new street was named after the People’s Commissar Ordzhonikidze.
Then they decided to immortalize another fiery revolutionary – Felix Dzerzhinsky. He was a novice in Norilsk toponymy, but it was the Iron Felix, who headed the Supreme Council of the National Economy and helped Nikolay Urvantsev organize the 1925 expedition to the Norilsk Valley.
In the last issue of the History spot photo project, we talked about the fact that at least three monuments to Lenin were set in Norilsk in different years.
For other issues of our photo project about the history of the city and the combine, go to the History spot section.
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Text: Svetlana Samohina, Photo: Nornickel Polar Division archive