#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. However, the Copper and Nickel plants could not keep up with the ore base, even taking into account their expansion and modernization. A completely new large factory was to be built.
On January 7, 1968, the USSR Council of Ministers chairman, the Politburo member Alexey Kosygin flew to Norilsk. It was his visit that became the impetus for many achievements and changes in Norilsk, including the construction of the Second Nickel plant, which did not yet have its own name.
No one disputed the need to create a new plant. But initially it was proposed to be built on the mainland. For example, Lesosibirsk was considered as a base for it, where the Norilsk matte had to be delivered along the Yenisey.
The history of the 1930s was repeating itself. Only that time, the implementation here, in Norilsk, of a full cycle – from ore to metal – was defended, as Avraamiy Zavenyagin had previously done, by Alexey Kosygin. And it was decided to build the metallurgical giant in the Arctic.
The scale of the future construction was huge, and the fact that it was started in the Far North, beyond the Arctic Circle, was far from being the main difficulty. In terms of cost, the construction of Nadezhda exceeded the costs of building the Bratsk hydroelectric power plant, and in terms of labor intensity, it was incomparable.
The construction site of the current Nadezhda metallurgical plant was not approved immediately. Initially, 14 different options for placement and samples of new production technology were considered. For example, there was an idea to separate hydro- and pyrometallurgy, spreading them in Talnah and under the Dvugorbuya mountain.
As a result, it was decided to place the whole Second Nickel plant on the site of the former Nadezhda airfield. The main reasons for this choice were a reliable rock foundation, sufficient size of the site (after all, they built a real metallurgical city with workshops, household complexes, transitional galleries) and remoteness from the city.
In the last issue of the History Spot photo project we told about the fact that the City day was previously celebrated in Norilsk in June.
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Text: Svetlana Samohina, Photo: Nornickel Polar Division archive