Half a century ago, the obelisk was erected in the place where Talnah began. A former metallurgist, a creator of the 69 Parallel photo club, Vladimir Chin-Mo-Tsai in 1970 worked at the photo-information bureau of the Norilsk Combine, which he headed until he left Norilsk in 1977. The monument In the Name of the First! established by the tenth anniversary of the unique Talnah copper-nickel ores deposit discovery at the place where the discoverers and first Talnah builders’ tents were located.
The obelisk, stylized as a tent against the backdrop of a mountain slope, as conceived by architects Rafael Revzin and Valery Serebryakov, should remind the posterity of the courage and enthusiasm of the pioneers. History has preserved not only the names of the authors of the project. It is known that the monument was made by the team of Boris Gorbunov.

The leader of the Baumans student construction team Igor Bulatov, who performed the song The First Tent specially written for that day, did not get into the camera lens of Vladimir Chin-Mo-Tsai (or the negative has not been digitized yet).
Text: Varvara Sosnovskaya, Photo: Nornickel Polar Branch archive