In 1931 Taimyr fought anthrax epidemic

In 1931 Taimyr fought anthrax epidemic

October 24, 2023

The spread of anthrax began on the left bank of the Yenisey with a massive death of deer: about 1500 animals died in four days.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. An organizing committee was created to combat the epizootic, and a quarantine was established in the area of the Varganyaha and Solennaya rivers.

But by August, the Siberian virus spread to the right bank of the Yenisey: 6700 reindeer died, 46 farms were left without livestock, and 14 infected people died.

Veterinarians from the mainland were sent to fight the anthrax epizootic; one livestock specialist became infected with anthrax. Air transport, rare at that time, was used to transport doctors and vaccines.

The state provided financial assistance to Taimyr: district representative Pyotr Bolin even went to see the “all-Union headman” Mikhail Kalinin.

The epidemic caused colossal damage to Taimyr reindeer husbandry – reindeer were the main transport used for passengers, cargo and mail. The Taimyr District provided financial assistance to the victims and provided reindeer to native farms.

Subsequently, regular vaccination of livestock was introduced in Taimyr, which was previously opposed by local residents.

In the History Spot’s previous publication, we talked about how the bard Alexander Gorodnitsky wrote a famous song about polar pilots after expeditions to Taimyr.

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Text: Svetlana Ferapontova, Photo: Nornickel Polar Branch archive

October 24, 2023

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