#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. At the end of the Great Patriotic War, the need for the combine under construction regular supply with everything necessary was great.
In order to provide the isolated city with everything necessary for nine months in advance in a short navigation period, it was necessary to organize a well-functioning mechanism. Therefore, a new structure was created: “… as part of the Norilsk Combine of the NKVD, a self-supporting department for the combine supply with an independent balance sheet Norilsksnab of the USSR NKVD.
Norilsksnab was created in 1945 not from scratch: by that time there existed a technical supply department, an equipment department, a Dudinka department, wooden warehouses with a dead end for loading heavy cargo and a narrow-gauge line, timber exchanges, and a base for bulk oil products.
All of them united into one, which was engaged in the purchase, delivery, warehousing and storage of everything necessary for the life of the Norilsk Combine.
A stream of equipment, spare parts and other cargoes went through Norilsksnab from the mainland. The shipment was handled by transshipment points in Krasnoyarsk, Igarka, Arhangelsk, and Dudinka. Suppliers headed by Vladimir Vsesvyatsky – he headed the enterprise for 18 years and was one of the fathers of year-round navigation – built the supply system of the huge enterprise in the Arctic that has no analogues.
In the 1970s, the supply service of the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine used all means of transportation. More than a thousand USSR cities, as well as seventeen foreign countries were among the NMMC suppliers.
In the last issue of the History Spot photo project we told the story of the monument to Lenin on Octyabrskaya square.
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Text: Svetlana Samohina, Photo: Nornickel Polar Division archive