#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The firstborn of the Norilsk large-panel housing construction was decorated with the symbol of permafrost. Snowflake and the Norilsk 1961 inscription on the house’s side immortalized the date of the of wall panels production start in the northern city.
An experimental five-story building was commissioned in September 1962. By that time, the precast concrete plant had produced panels for four such five-story buildings. In 1980, the plant’s cassette department issued products for ten nine-storey buildings.

According to the Chronicle of Norilsk’s author Vladislav Tolstov, the phrase Old Town appeared with the first new building on Leningradskaya street. And for the time being, the Stalinist houses districts were called the Old City.
Read other materials of the photo project in the History spot section.
Text: Varvara Sosnovskaya, Photo: Nornickel Polar Division archive