#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. They kept cattle, grew vegetables and potatoes. 50 hectares of forest-tundra were allocated for vegetable gardens on the territory of the present city.
Cabbage was the best. It was the first vegetable to be grown in open ground. In 1938, the state farm harvested 14.4 tons of vegetables, including 1.5 tons of cabbage.
At first, it was believed that cabbage could not ripen at the 70th geographical parallel. Preparation began in the fall with plowing and fertilizing the land. In addition, it was necessary to grow strong seedlings in advance.
Each cabbage sprout was grown and then planted in the ground in a pot made from a mixture of peat and manure. A fragile plant, when planting in the tundra, took a supply of food with it. And when its roots developed, it could already extract everything it needed from tundra soils. In addition, the cabbage was fed with fertilizer solutions. It took a lot of work.
Was the game worth the candle? In 1938, the state farm harvested one and a half tons of cabbage. Persistent agronomists grew cabbage weighing six and even eight kilograms.
In the History Spot’s previous publication, we told that the first Norilsk hotel located in the Old City.
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Text: Svetlana Ferapontova, Photo: Nornickel Polar Branch archive