#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Before starting the journey to Dudinka and Taimyr villages, the correspondent of the French edition of Le Monde Diplomatique visited our media company Severny Gorod.
Estelle was curious about how the news of the territory is made, how Norilsk lives and breathes, literally and figuratively.
“I was born and lived in France, in the primary school my parents sent me to a school where the second foreign language was Russian, this is how my interest in your country began. Years later, having received a profession, I chose Russia in order to write about it for French publications, including Le Monde Diplomatique (before that I worked for the famous Figaro)”.
For the past two years, Estelle has been living in Moscow, writing about the problems and news of the big city and the big country, her material on the construction of an infectious disease center in Moscow to treat patients with COVID-2019 has spread all over the world in all languages.
“I moved to the capital with three children, who, after six months of language practice and lessons with tutors, completely immersed themselves in the Russian-speaking school environment.
My daughter and my two sons like everything. I was worried about them, but they do quite well in school. They especially like French lessons”, smiles Estelle. “I was preparing for the trip to Taimyr – read a lot of books and media. Your English-language website This Is Taimyr has become a great help for me in studying the territory and life of the indigenous peoples of the peninsula.
I am interested in the topic of ecology anywhere in the world, including the polar region. This is what I want to write my future article about”, says the journalist.
She also shared her first impression of our city:
“The sun is shining, the sky is blue and the air is fresh, without soot in the mouth and nose, as sometimes happens in industrial cities. I’m looking forward to the trip to national villages. I haven’t found myself that far to the North before”.
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Text: Marina Horoshevskaya, Natalia Popova, Photo: Nickolay Shipko