Two thousand people acquired Arctic hectare this year

Two thousand people acquired Arctic hectare this year

December 12, 2024

The northern regions’ residents have registered plots of land as their own or on long-term lease.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Since the beginning of 2024, two thousand people have acquired land plots under the Arctic Hectare program, the Ministry for the Russian Far East Development press service reports.

“To date, 9714 people have become participants in the Arctic Hectare program. Of these, two thousand people have got plots since the beginning of 2024. The plots’ total area​​ provided since the beginning of the year is 1427 hectares”, TASS quotes the message.

More than 600 people from the Arctic regions have registered plots of land as their own or on long-term lease, their total area is 166 hectares. In three out of four cases, the land is used to build a house, and in another ten percent of cases – for agricultural projects development.

Earlier, the Russian Far East Development Ministry’s head Alexey Chekunkov reported that 145 thousand people have used the Far Eastern and Arctic Hectare program in total.

Recall that the Far Eastern Hectare state program has been in effect since 2016. Since 2021, it has been extended to land plots in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and other territories of the North and Siberia (Arctic Hectare). Under it, citizens can receive land for free and run a farm on it, build a house, and develop tourism.

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Text: Alexander Kalashnikov, Photo: Nikolay Shchipko

December 12, 2024

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