#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The Agency for the Development of the Northern Territories and the Support of the Indigenous Minorities of the Region reported that there will be fish processing workshops, high fur boots sewing workshops, collection points for wild plants and furs in the north of Krasnoyarsk region. The initiators of these projects will receive state support due to the regional grant program.
“28 North residents will get grants for the indigenous peoples’ traditional industries development. The projects provide for the creation of fish processing workshops in the villages of Baklaniha, Kellogg and Farkovo in the Turuhansk region, Hatanga in Taimyr, Tura and Yessey in Evenkia; a workshop for tailoring high fur boots and fur products in Tura”, the Krasnoyarsk region government’s press service reported.
In addition, points for the collection and primary processing of sable skins and the preparation of furs for the auction will start operating in Baykit, Vanavara, Tura and Turuhansk.
The grant competition winners were also determined in two completely new nominations – their authors will purchase domestic reindeer and puppies of reindeer herding, sledding and hunting husky for breeding. Individual entrepreneur Ilya Botulu from the polar village of Yessey, Evenki district will buy the reindeer livestock, now home reindeer breeding is not conducted there. The Taimyr peasant farm head Gleb Yadne and the chairman of the Kuyumba Society of Hunters from Evenkia Sergey Kornilov will be engaged in breeding dogs.
About three million rubles will also be allocated to support projects in the field of culture of the indigenous peoples of the North. Their authors intend to organize a puppet theatre, an ethnic studio, hold an Olympiad in the Evenki language, a theater festival, master classes in arts and crafts.
“I am glad that the Far North inhabitants’ activity is not decreasing. This year, 30 applications were received for the competition, for comparison – in 2022 there were 21 of them. In total, we will allocate more than 23 million rubles for the northerners’ initiatives implementation.
This year, in addition to the traditional competition categories, at the North inhabitants’ request, two new directions appeared – breeding deer and dogs. I hope that all grants will be successfully implemented”, said Anton Narchuganov, head of the Agency for the Development of the Northern Territories and the Support of Indigenous Minorities of the Krasnoyarsk region.
Recall that in the Taimyr capital there will be two workshop modules for processing reindeer meat, fish and wild plants. New facilities are being built on the peninsula as part of the program to support the indigenous population of Taimyr, which is being implemented by Nornickel. Recently, in Volochanka, under this program, a feldsher-obstetric station was opened, and in Dudinka, a tourist visitor center of the ethnic camp Tiyaha was organized. An arctic fox farm is also being built in Dudinka.
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Text: Marina Horoshevskaya, Photo: Denis Kozhevnikov