Nornickel volunteers renovated city hospital lobby

Nornickel volunteers renovated city hospital lobby

November 13, 2023

The new project Be Healthy was implemented as part of the eco-marathon Poneslos.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Nornickel eco-marathon’s Be Healthy project presentation took place at the city hospital in the Oganer district of Norilsk. The project’s eighth season has already started.

Nornickel volunteers decorated an empty space in the central hall of the Norilsk interdistrict hospital in Oganer, where the cloakroom, information desk and meeting place with visitors are located.

The activists’ main task was to equip the windows with a winter garden. It would hardly have been possible to place real greenery here, so the volunteers used artificial structures that they assembled and composed themselves. Now artificial greenery, which does not require special care, “blooms” in the display space of the hospital hall.

Volunteers installed a special structure for collecting plastic lids. The use of plastic is also included in the environmental education program of the Nornickel eco-marathon. In addition, activists not only placed thematic materials and social advertising in the updated interior, but also assembled a large emblem-symbol of medicine from the lids in front of the entrance and installed a bench made from the melted lids.

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Text: Denis Kozhevnikov, Photo: author

November 13, 2023

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