Nornickel recognized at all-Russian award

Nornickel recognized at all-Russian award

December 26, 2024

The company has got an award for its systematic work with young people.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Nornickel has received recognition for its achievements at the all-Russian youth achievement award Time of the Young. The company has entered the top three leaders in the Friend of the Young category.

The all-Russian youth achievement award Time of the Young has been held since 2021. In 2024, laureates were awarded in ten nominations. The gala ceremony took place on December 21 at the national center Russia. The laureates in the Friend of the Young category were awarded by the Rosmolodezh’s head of Grigory Gurov. Three companies won the award. Nornickel took second place after the technology company VK. The third place went to the oil and gas chemical company SIBUR, the Severny Gorod media portal reports.

According to Grigory Gurov, the award is an opportunity to thank everyone who works in the field of youth policy and is involved in educational activities.

The Rosmolodezh award was assessed in Nornickel as confirmation of the company’s leadership in working with new generations. The company implements a system of programs and projects that support young people, helping them choose a profession and become part of the Nornickel team. The company calls it an ecosystem.

It all starts with schoolchildren. The educational project Change, the portal about professions City of Professions, the league of inventors IMAKE have been uniting children from all regions of the company’s presence for ten years.

The all-Russian project Your Move, the contest I am a Professional and the educational online course Conquerors of the North are popular among students.

The program to support changes Who Cares, the youth corporate program In Good Company and the forum Arctic: Present and Future, the Forum of Working Youth, TIM Biryusa (proactive youth territory Biryusa) are well-known. These projects are designed for young professionals.

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Text: Varvara Sosnovskaya, Photo: Nornickel’s press service

December 26, 2024

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