With an educational expedition to Taimyr arrived the founder of the St. Petersburg School of Social Design, a practicing consultant in the field of social design Yury Tyushev and Director of Development – the Krasnoyarsk Regional Center for Support of Local Communities – Oleg Marfin. They met with potential applicants for the World of New Opportunities competition of social projects of the Nornickel charitable program.
As conceived by the organizers, educational seminars will help find solutions to local problems of preserving the culture, life and traditions of the peoples of Taimyr.

On October 1, experts held a seminar on social design in Dudinka and face-to-face consultations among participants in the competition from the fields of education and culture. The next day, they visited the Ust-Port village, where they held a seminar on filling out a project application and talked about the logic of social design.
Back in Dudinka, Oleg Marfin and Yury Tyushev organized a seminar on the creation of social projects for representatives of the indigenous minorities of the North: members of family and clan communities and activists. Then the guests of the peninsula went to Khatanga, where they also met with local residents, potential participants in the competition, and also immersed them in the process of social design.
As Oleg Marfin told the This Is Taimyr, the World of New Opportunities charitable program is in demand among the residents of remote Taimyr villages. He made this conclusion after comparing his experience of communication with northerners and residents of other parts of the country.
“People know about this program. Before arriving at the meeting, they study it in advance and build an action plan. In other places, we often have to tell everything from scratch, acquaint with its story and nominations. This was not the case here. In addition, the residents of the villages have good suggestions on how to increase its efficiency”, said Oleg Marfin.
The expert also noted that the Taimyr people are not indifferent to how their fellow countrymen live. He called the northerners people with great potential for volunteering.
“Willingness to help another person, even if it’s not your relative – in this regard, you have the maximum coefficient. Of course, this is explained by the fact that there are extreme climatic conditions, and without support, good neighborliness and anxious attitude to what is happening around, it is difficult to survive”, added Oleg Marfin.
Text: Mikhail Tuaev, Photo: facebook.com/NNcharity