#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Lyudmila Magomedova, chairperson of the Education, Culture and Sports Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk region, visited summer school camps in Norilsk.

According to her, parents shouldn’t worry about the their children’s leisure time: in school camps there is a high level of safety, medical staff works, and children are provided with the necessary medicines.

“What we have seen today shows that parents can safely continue to work, knowing that the children are having a great time. Library, board and outdoor games, sports activities. Besides, they are very well fed here”, she said.
The deputy of the Legislative Assembly emphasized that Norilsk is the only territory of the region where meals in school camps are not two, but three times a day. In addition, she explained, thanks to the joint work of regional legislators and executive authorities in the region, parents are compensated not 50 percent of the of a child’s stay cost, as in the whole country, but 70 percent.
We add that earlier at the citywide planning meeting, the deputy head of Norilsk for social policy Natalya Korosteleva said that in total 1370 children will have a rest in Norilsk health camps this summer. We also informed that the young Norilsk residents will have summer on the Black Sea, and five Taimyr schoolguys have gone to the Artek international camp.
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Text: Mikhail Tuaev