It is located about 120 kilometers southeast of Dikson.
To ensure the shipment of coal concentrate obtained during the development of the deposit to sea vessels, an offshore coal terminal will be built. Thanks to this project, the cargo base of the Northern Sea Route will be provided with nine billion tons per year from 2025. At the same time, the volume of private investment will amount to 41.4 billion rubles, and the volume of state support funds – 4.55 billion rubles.
Recall that the project for the construction of the West Taimyr industrial cluster for the production of coal concentrates from coking coal is being implemented in Taimyr by the Severnaya Zvezda company, and the project itself is part of the Yenisey Siberia complex interregional investment program.
In July, the coal deposit received a positive conclusion from the State Environmental Expertise. A little later, the engineering documentation passed the state examination.
Text: Mikhail Tuaev, Photo: