#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The Strategy for the Development of the Arctic until 2035 was approved. According to the government’s plan, it should ensure Russia’s national interests in the Arctic zone. From the Krasnoyarsk region, the strategy includes Norilsk, Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets and Turuhansk districts, and since July 2020, also ten Evenkia villages, where deposits of oil, gas, coal, iron ores, diamonds, and precious stones are located.
One of the key regions where the projects will be implemented is the Krasnoyarsk region. In particular, for Norilsk, the priority was the comprehensive socio-economic development of the city and the entire district, including the introduction of technologies to reduce emissions of harmful substances, as well as the creation of a research center for construction technologies and monitoring the buildings and structures’ condition.
In addition, the document refers to the development of the Dudinka and Dikson (including the construction of new coal terminals and an oil terminal) seaports, the creation of an emergency rescue unit and an Arctic crisis management center in Dikson, reconstruction and modernization of the airport network, including in Hatanga, development of tourist and recreational clusters in Taimyr and Norilsk.
The priorities for the development of the territory the creation and development of an oil and mineral resource center on the basis of the deposits of Western Taimyr for the export of products through the water area of the Northern Sea Route, the Western Taimyr coal-mining cluster, the development of resources of the Taimyr-Severozemelskaya gold-bearing province are marked.
As we previously wrote, 200 billion rubles will be allocated for the discovery of deposits in the Russian Arctic.
Text: Mikhail Tuaev, Photo: Nikolay Shchipko