#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Sculptures were placed near the first sports facilities in Norilsk. They were plaster and therefore short-lived, preserved in single photographs.
At the entrance to the big gym in the Old city, now it is the House of Physical Culture, two skiers met the Norilsk people. And two swimmers were on the stairs by the swimming pool.
The square near the Zapolyarnik stadium was the most decorated with sculptures. There was a whole gypsum team of athletes: football players, a gymnast, a tennis player.
The sports statues in the square were accompanied by the cultural and ideological sector – a bugler and a drummer.
It was the so-called park sculpture. In the 1950s and 1960s, this type of landscaping was practiced in all public gardens of the country.
Here in Norilsk, the most striking representative of this trend in ‘small architecture’ was the sculptural composition Admission to the Pioneer Organization.
Dramatically tied figures – a standard-bearer, a pioneer and an older comrade tying his red tie – decorated Komsomolskaya square before the construction of the Palace of Culture on it.
In the last issue of the History Spot photo project we told about the zoological theme in Norilsk sculptures.
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Text: Svetlana Samohina, Photo: Nornickel Polar Division archive