#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. In November 1982, a decree was issued on the transformation of the workers’ settlements of Kayerkan and Talnah into towns of regional subordination. Kayerkan was only half built. A supermarket, a canteen, a polyclinic, a gym, an art school, and a consumer service center worked in it. A medical center and a cinema were under construction.
In the village of Talnah, there were 18 shops, 5 schools, 12 kindergartens, a library, a consumer service center. The first big gift to Talnah-town was a swimming pool, which was opened a month after Talnah was given a new status.

The new status of satellite towns did not change their economic and administrative relations with Norilsk much. Talnah and Kayerkan did not have independent budgets, city boundaries, land allocation were not defined, and all management, communal and social services were carried out from Norilsk. But the Big Norilsk had very big plans: one more satellite city was conceived – Oganer. Its construction began in 1986.
In the 21st century, Talnah and Kayerkan lost their town status and became Norilsk districts.
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Text: Varvara Sosnovskaya, Photo: Nornickel polar division archive