Construction and greening of Norilsk began simultaneously

Construction and greening of Norilsk began simultaneously

February 28, 2022

During the planning of Gorstroy (the new part of the town), landscaping was planned not only on dividing lawns, but also inside the quarters, between houses and along driveways and passages.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. In the projects, green landscaping was not only a separate item, but was also described in detail, up to instructions for soil cultivation.

On the drawings, their place was given to lawns, and flower beds, and willow hedges, and free-standing trees, and even natural turfing – this term denoted the delivery of turf from the tundra.

Thus, in theory, up to 80 percent of all yards should have been green.

In reality, of course, everything turned out differently. In winter, flower beds interfered with snow removal, and bushes became huge snowdrifts. As a result, landscaping plans focused on laying out parks and squares.

The first green spots on the map of the city were Pushkin square, also known as Pioneer square, next to which they began to build a new city stadium. As well as a city park on the slopes of the hill, where they planned to place a city pool.

Indeed, all the youth, led by the heads of enterprises, went to the gardening community work day. For example, the first stadium under construction director Philip Podolsky personally planted tundra shrubs and trees around it.

Here is how the Stalinets newspaper wrote about this in 1952:

“In the general plan for the construction of the city, a significant place is given to green intra-quarter squares, boulevards, lawns and flower beds. This year the landscaping should be completed during June. Great work is to be done in the park named after the 30th anniversary of the Komsomol. Here it is necessary to plant 800 trees – birch, alder, thousands of shrubs, make one and a half hectares of lawns, flower beds. This summer, a large square with volleyball and basketball courts and a fountain will be laid out on the site of the former farmyards. A monument to Pushkin will be erected in front of school number 4. In winter, separate areas of the square will be equipped with a skating rink”.

In the last issue of the History Spot photo project, we told about the Gornyak restaurant, which used to be an ordinary canteen.

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Text: Svetlana Samohina, Photo: Nornickel Polar Division archive

February 28, 2022

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