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History spot

Time machine: Norilsk shops

Time machine: Norilsk shops

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. This ‘time machine’ will transport us through several decades. And let's start with the first, largest and most beautiful stores in the city. Yenisey supermarket. On February 20, 1953, the Norilskorg department head issued an order to create the first large grocery store in the ...

Most expensive New Year’s dishes were vegetable salad and eggs with caviar

Most expensive New Year’s dishes were vegetable salad and eggs with caviar

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Even at the dawn of its youth, during the difficult war years, Norilsk solemnly celebrated the main holiday. In the canteens, despite the shortage of food, they tried to prepare special holiday dishes, and even held confectionery exhibitions with cakes and cookies. In those ...

“Every child imagines himself sitting in the rocket”

“Every child imagines himself sitting in the rocket”

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR.  “December 31, 1956. The large gym of the Physical Education House looks unusual. White snowflakes descend from the high ceiling, a slender, beautiful Christmas tree shimmers in its rich attire, masks, balloons, confetti, and streamers are briskly sold in hut-kiosks, and cheerful couples dance ...

Costumes made of gauze, or sparkling New Year

Costumes made of gauze, or sparkling New Year

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. They were harvested centrally, in places specially designated for logging in the vicinity of Norilsk. Residents were prohibited from cutting down trees in the tundra on their own, as they had done before. Christmas tree decorations were also made in Norilsk - in the ...

“They begged their ancestors’ spirits for help in hunting”

“They begged their ancestors’ spirits for help in hunting”

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. It is unknown whether they decorated the Christmas tree, because at that time the persecution of the Christmas tree as a “priestly relic” began in Soviet Russia. However, as Urvantsev himself recalled, the winterers entertained themselves with conversations and sometimes even music. At one ...

The world’s northernmost sparrow lived in Norilsk

The world’s northernmost sparrow lived in Norilsk

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. For a correspondent, a city full of polar exoticism was a prize. As an example, a quote from the book of the writer Boris Petrov, where the chapter about us is called: “A city in which everything is northernmost”. “...On the map that hangs in ...

New Year’s market in Norilsk turned into fairy tale

New Year’s market in Norilsk turned into fairy tale

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The first New Year's markets were in the Old Town, on Octyabrskaya street, and in the new part of Norilsk - in store No. 11, which was on the corner of Sevastopolskaya and Monchegorskaya streets. In the 1960s, the Christmas tree trade took place ...

“The tree was too small, but it was our legal one”

“The tree was too small, but it was our legal one”

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR.  “After the camp uprising in 1953 and Hrushchev’s amnesty in 1954, some relief came to Norillag. Numbers were removed from clothes, we were allowed to receive parcels, and most importantly, mass releases of prisoners began. Sometimes 10–12 people were released from our camp per ...