#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. In order to track all possible developments in real time and regularly assess the condition of the foundations of industrial facilities, and in the future, of residential buildings, the company has strengthened the diagnostic center, which will work in partnership with the laboratory of permafrost studies of the Norilsk State Industrial Institute.
According to Victor Shkoda, deputy director of the Nornickel polar division’s diagnostic center, about a hundred buildings in the industrial area require special attention. In general, in terms of permafrost control for 2021, there are 439 buildings. In order to constantly monitor their condition, the companies are introducing a geotechnical monitoring system on the territory of the Norilsk division.
“For this, most buildings are equipped with sensors for soil temperature, humidity in underground, inclinometers to monitor deviations of structures. The measuring instruments should be connected into an information and analytical system, which, on the basis of the data, will help the center specialists make decisions on the further operation of buildings”, stressed Victor Shkoda.
In the future, the geotechnical monitoring system will be able to receive satellite imagery of the territory’s surface state.
Plans for 2021 include joint experimental research work of the Norilsk permafrost service with the Construction – Moscow research center, with which the Nornickel polar division signed a cooperation agreement.
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Text: Larisa Fedishina, Angelica Stepanova, Photo: Nikolay Shchipko